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Michael Ridout



Phone: (409) 886-4245

Amanda Hallman

Assistant Principal/Behavior Coordinator


Phone: (409) 886-4245

!!Bullying Report!!

Parents of students wishing to take Credit by Exam tests at LCMCISD must notify their counselor in writing at least 30 days prior to the exam date. LCMCISD 2024-2025 CBE Dates are:

September 26, 2024

November 14, 2024

February 6, 2025

May 15, 2025

Students wishing to take Credit by Exam outside of these dates may visit the Texas Tech Credit by Exam website to sign up for online proctored tests. Official score reports from TTU must be provided to LCMCISD.



Order your 2024-2025 Yearbook TODAY!

Order a Yearbook today

safetyLCI takes all reports of safety concerns very seriously. Please use the link (Speak Up for Safety) to anonymously report any on campus or bus safety concerns involving LCI students you may have.  



LCI Mission Statement

"Little Cypress Intermediate is dedicated to providing quality instruction with rigor in order for all students to reach high levels of achievement.  Our goal is to maintain academic excellence while nurturing strong character building traits to ensure student success."

Principal:Michael Ridout

Non-Bully Pledge


"I pledge to treat others as I would like to be treated. I will respect the rights and feelings of my classmates in all situations. I will accept the differences of others because each of us is created unique and special. Today, I choose not to bully others, but to accept others as my friend."




Student Creed and Pledge


"I pledge to show my LCI Pride through my POSITIVITY, RESPECT, INTEGRITY, DETERMINATION, and ENCOURAGEMENT. I will not interfere with another student's right to learn, or a teacher's right to teach.  I will learn all that I can to be the best person I can be."


Skyward Family Access 

The LCM CISD Family Access portal gives parents/guardians the ability to monitor their child(ren)'s grades, attendance, vaccination information, discipline, schedules, demographic and family emergency contacts, etc. Additionally, parents/guardians can see their child(ren)'s food service account balances, put money on the food service account using a credit card, and see what purchases have been made from the account.

If you are interested in activating your account for Skyward Family Access, parents/guardians will need to fill out an application form. You can get this form from the office where your child attends school. Be sure you have read the Acceptable Use Guidelines for Skyward Family Access.

Click here for more information.